IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
3.2 mm / 4.0mm x 115 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 3.2 mm / 4.0mm x 115 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
3.2 mm / 4.0mm x 150 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 3.2 mm / 4.0mm x 150 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
2.4 mm / 3.2mm x 100 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 2.4 mm / 3.2mm x 100 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
4.0 mm / 4.8 mm x 150 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 4.0 mm / 4.8 mm x 150 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
3.5 mm / 4.3 mm x 130 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 3.5 mm / 4.3 mm x 130 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
2.0 mm / 2.5mm x 95 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 2.0 mm / 2.5mm x 95 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
3.5 mm / 4.3 mm x 175 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 3.5 mm / 4.3 mm x 175 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
2.4 mm / 3.2mm x 150 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 2.4 mm / 3.2mm x 150 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
2.8 mm / 3.5 mm x 110 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 2.8 mm / 3.5 mm x 110 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
4.0 mm / 4.8 mm x 200 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 4.0 mm / 4.8 mm x 200 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
2.8 mm / 3.5 mm x 150 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 2.8 mm / 3.5 mm x 150 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #:
3.0 mm / 3.5mm x 110 mm
IMEX Interface Fixation Half-Pin Standard Thread - 3.0 mm / 3.5mm x 110 mm
Interface fixation half-pins are end-threaded and feature positive-profile threads with a trocar point on the threaded end. These pins feature a standard thread profile for use in all bone locations.
Length options include standard or extended length. Standard length versions manage most cases, but extended length versions (part numbers ending with an "L") are occasionally useful when additional thread length is needed to span both bone cortices.
Implant quality 316LVM, stainless steel
Additional information:Use of the SK ESF clamp???s secondary bolt will keep the clamp and drill hole oriented. In addition, liberal soft tissue release and retraction will simplify pin placement by allowing visualization.
Product #: